Dawn Treader Magazine: Issue 1.4
This month, the Dawn Treader Magazine explores what it means to follow the two Greatest Commandments, loving God and loving our neighbor. Discipleship is built on the foundation of these commandments. Teaching them to our children, by example and through discussion, is one of the most important gifts that we, as parents, can provide to them in their upbringing as followers of Christ.
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How Children Should Understand the Commandments
He wants us to spend time talking with Him, just like we would with our...Read More
Recommended Resource: Aslan in Our World
The Aslan in Our World is designed to lead readers into discovering the connections between...Read More
Why is There So Much Suffering in the World?
Both. Politeness is always important, but it’s only real politeness if it’s backed by genuine...Read More
Praying for Others
This is a prayer for other people that we love — following the second of...Read More
Activity: Easter Celebrations
Discover how Lewis tells the story of Jesus and the Resurrection through the parallels of...Read More